How much marketing- was Re: IF2 Status 07-09
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 19:02:54 -0700
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If we really anticipate 300-400 people, then we need to pre-register
customers and match them up with a time and an installer. OTOH, if we really
anticipate 300-400 people, lets make sure we have the resources to handle it.
As a reality check, we actually started 39 installs at the June Install Fest.
A lot of those 150-200 people were PLUG members, vendors, helpers,
demonstrators, presenters, and the just plain curious. If we were to get 400
people at IF II, using the same percentages only equates to 80 actual
We cah handle 400 people with the demos and the presentations and the members
around to answer questions.
On Wednesday 10 July 2002 18:00, you wrote:
> Hi, all-
> How many installs can we do in one day, in the space we will have,
> with the volunteers which we will have? I think that we should give
> some serious thought to this question before determining how
> aggressive we want to be with our marketing for the Installfest.
> We had what, 150 to 200 people show up to the last installfest? What
> was that in terms of our operating capacity? Can we handle 300-400
> people?
> I ask because, if we succeed in attracting people to the installfest,
> but are overwhelmed and unable to adequately address their needs, that
> would be far worse than having a light turn-out but satisfying those
> few who do attend.
> Food for thought, anyway.
- --
Freedom is worth protecting
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