Perl question

Kevin Buettner
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 11:28:29 -0700

On Jul 10, 10:52am, Kimi A. Adams wrote:

> I am not sure if this is the appropriate way to ask this.  So, we are doing 
> something like this for the 
> URL:  But we 
> would like it to look like 
> this:  In trying to 
> run this from the server:  perl testm.cgi, it works.  It also works when 
> you move testm.cgi to testm and run the same command using just testm.  But 
> when we go to the website, using that testm instead of the .cgi? it shows 
> the program rather than the output like it does on the server.
> We want to do this so that a path is shown to the customer, rather than the 
> extensions and characters.  However, I am at a draw as to whether this is 
> httpd.conf that controls this or if it's the program that is running, i.e. 
> perl or cgi.

You'll need to tweak the web server configuration file (httpd.conf or
the like).

BTW, what's wrong with something like:

