Lan Gaming

robert jorgenson
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 21:46:05 -0700

just to clarify, this saturday at internet pc world at 35th ave and peoria theres going to be free lan gaming and free food, the news paper will be there too, starts at like 6:00. we need to fill the place about 40 people. After they open(which they are not actually open yet but you can go down there and lan all you want) its going to be $3 an hour to lan. And it costs 3 dollars an hour because they supply the computers and the facilities for 40 people to LAN :) And to bill at edge, i used to go to edge all the time, but before i started lan gaming, i am one of the magic losers you prolly dont know me though. Stopped going because it was to far, i hear you guys have a new store any closer to the west side? i hear its alot bigger now too :) 87 persson ptq in old edge = not fun :)