Using SSH without a password
Imre Kertesz
Tue, 09 Jul 2002 14:49:09 -0700
Use digital certificates. Much more secure than a password-less connection and OPENSSH comes with everything that you need to generate
and deploy the certs. Let me know if you want a HOWTO posted to the list, sounds like it would be fun just to set it up.
"Simper, Brian D" wrote:
> Is it possible to set up a Linux machine to use scp without using a
> password? I have a server that needs to provide files for a set of very
> secure systems and they only have ssh installed on them (no ftp, no telnet,
> no rlogin clients or servers). For convenience of the users, can a
> password-less scp be set up?
> Thanks,
> Brian
> ________________________________________________
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"If you sit quietly at the edge of a river, eventually
you will see the bodies of your enemies float by"
-A maxim of patience, author unknown
Imre Kertesz
PGP ID: 0x1C1E5054