County Meeting
Dennis Kibbe
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 06:15:05 -0700
On Tuesday 09 July 2002 02:31 am, der.hans wrote:
> Am 09. Jul, 2002 schwätzte technomage so:
> > since they have taken the stance to be adversarial, it gives us a lot
> > more
> The County's representatives that were there today have not taken an
> adversarial stance. They haven't rolled over and given into our requests,
> but that isn't necessarily confrontational.
> Let's not get adversarial with any organization we approach without cause.
> ciao,
> der.hans
One thing I learned as a traveling salesman is that "no" doesn't mean "never"
it only means "not for the moment." Some of my best customers were those that
said, at first, they'd never buy from me in a million years!
As long as the County is willing hear from us , that's good.