Maricopa Cty mtg details
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 18:48:21 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
just a rehash of all the info to make sure people know where and when to
show up Monday morning.
Here's the email from Paul Allsing that Matt Alexander posted:
From: Paul Allsing - EGOVX <>
You recently inquired about the County's use of Microsoft products and the
manner in which we license their software. We appreciate your interest in
the County's technology plans. To provide a forum in which to discuss our
technology direction and address any questions you may have, we will have
Information Technology staff members available to meet with citizens at
8:30 am on Monday July 8th. The meeting location will be the County
Administration Building at 301 W. Jefferson in Suite 420. Please RSVP
your attendance so we can ensure that adequate facilities are available
for the meeting.
Thank you for your inquiry,
Paul Allsing
Deputy CIO
Maricopa County
301 W Jefferson, Suite 420
Phoenix, AZ 85003
That's 08:30 Monday morning at the County
Administration Building at 301 W. Jefferson in Suite 420.
Please RSVP with Paul:
# Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans