Linux At Work
Matt Alexander
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 11:45:03 -0700 (PDT)
Hey, if you need any help setting up a Linux Terminal Server, let me know
and I'll come to your business and can also talk with your managers about
how Linux could be beneficial to your company.
On Wed, 3 Jul 2002, charlie bullen wrote:
> This morning I came in to find a whole office of aprox 15 co workers not
> working. We depend on 3 things to work, Email, various browser based programs
> running on our intranet and various browser based programs running on the
> public internet . Of course, my computer (Suse 8.0 KDE 3.0 desktop) was
> fully functional and all my colleagues were mystified. They all lined up to
> take turns at my workstation doing their most time criticle functions.
> This was a great opportunity because I wanted them to experience how great the
> multiple virtual desktop aspect of linux is as we each have at minimum 4
> separate functions, each requiring multiple programs and browser windows.
> That was a real hit.
> Just Monday, I was talking with our general manager and she was asking what
> the real practical aspects of linux were and I was explaining about the
> avoidance of Microsoft licensing issues, the added reliability and the
> virtual desktop idea. She was real receptive.
> This morning the owner gave me an old PC to use for linux terminal server
> experimentation.
> The root cause of the problem this morning was actually only indirectly a
> windows problem. We have a SonicWall that isolates the windows workstations
> behind it and something broke down in the communication between it and the
> Cisco router. But perhaps if windows workstations were not so vulnerable to
> viruses etc, then wouldn't have had the problem in the first place.
> Anyway linux came through again and several users who had never used a linux
> workstation were impressed as was management.
> Later
> Charlie
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