IF2 Location (Was: Thanks again, Thurman!)
Tom Achtenberg
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 07:04:35 -0700
You can always try the Sun City computer club. Don't know what they have available.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Bushman [mailto:plug@traxel.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 4:19 AM
To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Subject: Re: IF2 Location (Was: Thanks again, Thurman!)
Apologies for the subject change Thurman. Your
contribution is greatly appreciated, just trying
to help my poor little brain track my email :)
This was Glendale Civic Center, which I chose
largely as it should provide us with a reasonable
upper bound. The Phoenix Art Museum is more
expensive, but other than that I think this
shows that we can get a space for around a
thousand dollars or less.
The idea of approaching a lodge is a good one.
If they have members who want to learn about
Linux, it might get us a free location and
some extra attendees in one fell swoop.
My only concern in starting to approach a bunch
of places that might offer a free site is to avoid
looking ungrateful. When someone is feeling
magnanimous about their contribution to the
community, it's somewhat off-putting to say,
"no thanks, we changed our mind" - could cost
us a venue for future use. Think this can best be
avoided by keeping the inquiries low key, and
preferably coming from insiders - EG: a lodge
member asking the Grand Poobah, "a buddy of mine
is in a Linux users group, they're looking for
a place to put on a show, would our hall work?"
All that said, I agree with the general sentiment
that has been expressed a few times now; it would
be very helpful to have the date and time ASAP.
Glendale Community College is an ideal location
and we already have a relationship. If we can get
a tentative answer from them in the very near
future, we should lean towards GCC.
On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Steve wrote:
> What facility is this? Has anyone contacted one of the Lodges (Moose, VFW,
> Elks, others)? In Sacramento the Moose Lodge was hosting a lot of events of
> this nature, The VFW even hosted a Lan gaming night for kids one summer.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <alandd@mindspring.com>
> Subject: Thanks again, Thurman! (Was: IF2 Hall Price)
> > Now we see the benefit he provided for us. Two rooms, power, and full
> > internet connection! Saved us a bundle when compared to the numbers
> below.
> > On Tue, 2 Jul 2002 17:25:21 -0400 (EDT) Robert Bushman <plug@traxel.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > $30.00 per powerstrip
> > $250.00 for DSL?
> > Glendale discount? $544.00
> > $5.00 per table
> > $944.00 W/O DSL (plus tax? - I'm new to this state)
> > $1194.00 W/ DSL (plus tax?)
> >
> > Not trivial. As Jim notes, we really should be able
> > to get free space somewhere. I'm just investigating
> > the fallback of last resort.
> >
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