Forum to discuss and answer questions on Enterprise Agreement

Raymond Cantwell
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 22:05:09 -0700

John (EBo) David wrote:

>Curtis Zinzilieta wrote:
>>A far worse result would be to turn out in numbers, largely unorganized,
>>and appear before them speaking like religious zealots.
>>Numbers are important, yes, but more important will be the ability to
>>calmly and rationally present our points and viable alternatives.
>>Alternatives that can actually be implemented in a reasonable timeframe
>>and can be expected to work.  I believe it's impossible to expect the
>>county to turn over every desktop and server in a very few days, for
>>instance, regardless of standing laws or statutes.
>>Again, clear and concise points, well presented, with backup, are what
>>will be needed here.  Speaking off the cuff, without prior thought or
>>consideration, is not likely to make many points.
>I'm cramming to get my thesis out and have only been skimming the
>On thing that I have not seen discussed so far is suggestions on how to
>ween the Gov. off of M$.  
>Example: can Kword, Kspread, Kpresenter, etc. be compiled using Qt, etc.
>and run on Win*?  Is there another opensource *word editor which works
>on multiple platforms?  How bout databases?
>If I was their IT guy I would want to see the following at least
>described if not in person:
>  1) A list of software with capability lists that are common to
>orginizations like theirs.
>  2) a compatibility chart for what they currently use to what roughly
>replaces it.
>  3) a list of those packages which will not only run on *NIX, but also
>Win* so that I could lod it up on the uses machines and start getting
>people to use it, etc.
>  4) and possibly last, and this would likely be the clincher, chart the
>costs (seat purchase, maintance, etc.) of the two.  Best of all would be
>a first pass on estimating the migration costs also.
>well... back to working on my thesis...  that's my 2 c
>  EBo --
>See if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail.
>PLUG-discuss mailing list  -
If we wanted a cross platform app OpenOffice is most definitely the best 
choice i can think of, because for now there would have to be no or 
little migration of any M$Oriface documents that have been created.