Forum to discuss and answer questions on Enterprise Agreement

Dennis Kibbe
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 20:30:24 -0700

On Tuesday 02 July 2002 05:14 pm, slr wrote:
> ok i have notified channel 5, it will be up to them to cover the story.
> slr

It sounds like we have an unpresidented opportunity here. To make the most of 
it I suggest:

1. We turn out IN NUMBERS
2. We get together before hand to go over the points we want to drive home.
3. We turn out  IN NUMBERS

I'm sure that governments move slowly so maybe the best we can hope for is a 
little media attention and open up some lines of communications.

The worst thing in my mind is if we DON'T TURN OUT IN NUMBERS!

Dennis Kibbe