Thanks again, Thurman! (Was: IF2 Hall Price)
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 19:34:04 -0400
Thanks again be to the ThurmUnit for getting the facility for the last Install
Now we see the benefit he provided for us. Two rooms, power, and full
internet connection! Saved us a bundle when compared to the numbers below.
On Tue, 2 Jul 2002 17:25:21 -0400 (EDT) Robert Bushman <>
$30.00 per powerstrip - hmmm, I wonder what would
happen if we plugged 40 computers into a single
powerstrip? :) Figure 10 powerstrips.
- $300.00
$250.00 for DSL? I'd rather just figure out what
we need and bring a server. I've got a 60 gig
I haven't even formatted yet - I can bring all
the major distros and every app we can think of.
Only serious drawback is not having access to the
web. People like to be able to see a computer hit
their favorite site. (we could simulate it by
caching some big names in advance)
- $0.00
Glendale discount? Someone here's gotta live in
- $544.00
$5.00 per table - 20 tables (two per powerstrip,
back to back).
- $100.00
$944.00 W/O DSL (plus tax? - I'm new to this state)
$1194.00 W/ DSL (plus tax?)
Not trivial. As Jim notes, we really should be able
to get free space somewhere. I'm just investigating
the fallback of last resort.