old notebook conversion
Larry Lauer
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 15:09:05 -0700
Sounds like a couple of notebooks I have sitting on the shelf at home. Check out http://www.linux-laptop.net/ you might be able to locate detailed instructions on how to do it for your model. I remember one of the older machines I installed via plip. woot that was fun. good luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: tickticker [mailto:tickticker@cox.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 2:24 PM
To: plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Subject: old notebook conversion
I just got my hands on an OLD notebook. it's an acer model, here's the rough specs from the tertiary site supporting such old machines.
System Info
PN: 91.AA201.017
MB: AN760I
Ext: 786
Model: AN760i
Video: 512 KB
Cache: 0 KB
AN760I, w/ IDX4/75, 8MB RAM
1.44 MB, 3.5" AcerNote
540 MB, DBOA-2540 2.5 IBM
8 MB Memory on-board
Chips & Technology 65535 (Onboard)
Keyboard, 18511-NSK
LCD, AN735/760 Color Sharp LM64C142
Ah! no cd you say? 540 mg HDD? 8 mg RAM? could it have the original win95 install? why YES!!!
the question is, can I do anything with this? test virii? if I could get it to play nethack or preferably falcon's eye then 20 hours of labor would be worth sitting in bed wasting brainpower on a good character. yes, i have no other notebooks.
if it was win 3.1 or 95 i needed, no problems. but how to put linux on this thing and what flavor would fit and run, preferably with a gooey?
yes i know falcons eye and nethack run on win95, but i would rather go to the ends of the earth than run those. I could learn alot from this install.
thanks for you future input,