Cannot read /

Alpha Zenon Sanchez
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 14:18:35 -0700 (PDT)


I have a RH 7.2 running KDE 2?  When I'm on the
desktop and click on the 'home' icon, I get an
error dialog box that says 'Cannot Read /'. I'm
assuming they mean 'root'.  I can, hoever, see 
the files on the root when the KExplorer pops up
after the error appears.  

I can create directories, move files, copy etc...This
dialog box is more of an annoyance than anything.

I was thinking about re-compiling the OS, but just in
case I don't have to....

Thanks in advance,

BTW, does everybody here work on Linux from
I'm trying to get up-to-speed in becoming a 'super
user' in Linux.  I read a lot about Linux from books
and this user's group.  But when I read some of the 
questions posted, I rarely have a clue of what's going on!

Alpha Zenon Sanchez

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