IF2 Hall Price

Robert Bushman plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Tue, 2 Jul 2002 14:00:06 -0400 (EDT)

Following up now to ask what dates are available.
Figure 30 tables == $150? Not cheap, but not too
bad considering the quality of the location.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2002 10:18:52 -0700
From: Kasha Mackelprang <KMackelprang@ci.glendale.az.us>
To: gcivic@traxel.com
Subject: Re: 4000 feet on 28 Sep?

Mr. Bushman-
 Thank you for your interest in the Glendale Civic Center.  Unfortunately
 we do not have space available on your preferred date of September 28th,
 do you have an alternate date that I may check?

 The fees for renting a room of 3956 sq feet would be $680.00.  The rental
 fee does include the set up of tables and chairs.  Exhibit tables are
 charged a $5.00 per table fee.

 Please contact me if you have any questions.

Kasha Mackelprang
Event Coordinator
Glendale Civic Center
Direct 623-930-4310
Fax 623-930-4319

>>> <gcivic@traxel.com> 07/02/02 08:11AM >>>
The following message was submitted via the Glendale Civic Center web site:

  Robert Bushman
  1 Call or Email Please
  Chandler, AZ  85226

  Day Phone: 480 650 5209

Subject: 4000 feet on 28 Sep?


I'm planning a classroom style event on the West side for this Fall. Could you please contact me with the approximate cost for rental of roughly 4000 feet of space on the 28th of September? Inclusion of tables would be ideal.


Robert Bushman