Sponsor wrangling (Was: IF2 Status 06-30)

plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Mon, 01 Jul 2002 16:40:28 -0400

As sponsor wrangler for the just completed install fest, I should make some
comments here.

I don't know if you noticed at the last install fest the absence of any local
vendors.  This was not for lack of trying on my part.  Aside from needing to
overcome general ignorance about Linux, several things combined to make
getting local sponsors difficult.

Bill and Thurm did a great thing putting the install fest together and I don't
want to diminish the great impact of what they did.  One thing that hurt
sponsorship procurement was that the time the event was anounced till when it
actually occured was only 2 months.  Brick and morter vendors simply don't
move that fast.  At one it took me 1.5 months just to talk to the right
person.  Their priorities and procedures are not geared to make marketing
decisions that fast.  I just heard back from one last week about the first
install fest to say they decided not to participate ("Yes, well thanks for the
response anyway").  If you want traditional companies to sponsor, more than 2
months is needed to turn the squeaky gears that don't run on "internet time."

Second, I had no attendance numbers to point at, no track record that would
tell the vendor what bang he will get for his sponsorship buck.  That is
resolved somewhat with the numbers from the last event.

Third, and in this case, most important, it is difficult to go to the vendors
without a solid date, time and location.  This was not a problem at for the
last event but it still is a problem for this one.  Sponsoring a club event is
already low on the priority list for a vendor and then saying that the date
and place is not confirmed will not help.  Until date and place are "real," I
would not want to go asking for sponsorship of a "vapor" event.

In summary, before vendors will take the sponsorship opportunity seriously:
1 - Date and place must be set.
2 - Projected attendance must be defined (we have a good track record from the
last event).
3 - Local store-front sponsors need time and prodding to make participation
decisions.  This means and date and place must be set so we can work on the
local sponsors starting NOW or we will be too late.
4 - A real web site with event specific content must be available to tell the
vendor "See, don't you want to be a part of this?"  We have the content from
the previous event but nothing sold on this event yet.

This is just my observations and opinion based on my sponsor wrangling
experience for the last install fest.  Someone with more charisma or real
marketing experience would probably get better results than I did.  I'm just a
geek asking for free stuff.  YMMV.


On Mon, 1 Jul 2002 00:00:44 -0400 (EDT) Robert Bushman <plug@traxel.com>


- Verify site (GCC Student Union?) and date (28 Sep?).


Open Volunteer Slots (verified):

- Sponsor Wrangler
  Contact companies regarding sponsorship.
  Alan has been mentioned as a good resource
  for contacts.
