Install emacs on Linux

Robert Bushman
Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:13:01 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Robert Bushman wrote:

> On Sun, 30 Jun 2002, David A. Sinck wrote:
> > \_ for Mandrake 8.1, ithe base rpm should be
> > \_ emacs-el-20.7-17mdk.i586.rpm
> >
> > Err....sure?  Usually (in RH, at least) the -el- is for emacs-lisp
> > files which you don't really need as an average user.  My guess is
> > that the base package would be emacs-20.7-17mdk.i586.
> Blind stab really - there is no just emacs,

Mark just told me that indeed it is emacs-20.7...
Not sure why I couldn't find it in the RPMs
dir on my HDD (cp'd from CDs, may be I didn't
get them all). Apologies for the mislead everyone!
