DirecTV DSL 'Net Connection
Sun, 27 Jan 2002 15:25:20 -0700 (MST)
Am 27. Jan, 2002 schwätzte Thomas Mondoshawan Tate so:
> I thought about utilizing DirecTV's DSL service in the coming months (they
> openly support Linux/UNIX -- unlike a few unnamed providers), but I've a
> question for any of you out there that have already signed up for this:
> in paragraph 4.1 of the TOS agreement, they state that they will charge
> you $0.10 a minute for "remote access" charges in excess of 60 minutes
> per month. I saw this and nearly did a double take -- are they actually
> charging you for SSH'ing into your own systems from the outside world?
I would think that means they provide some sort of roaming dialup and it's
for that. Can you hookup directv on an RV? Maybe it's for roaming outside a
normal service area.
They can't really tell which side a conversation is on. Sure they can see
the initial syn, but I could also fire up the connection from within my
network even if I'm actually connecting from outside.
Ask them what they mean by 'remote access'. Their helpdesk won't even
understand the situation you fear :).
# A t-shirt a day keeps the noose (tie) away. - der.hans