job possibilities
Mon, 21 Jan 2002 22:53:54 -0700 (MST)
moin, moin,
let's start off with a job at a small company a few of you might've heard
of, DevelopOnline.
I'm also told via the grapevine that Boeing ( nae McDondald Douglas ) is
looking for software and hardware engineers with several years experience.
They really like embedded people and truly drool for those with solid
avionics capabilities. Or at least so I'm told.
Honeysignal ( I-17 and way out there ) is supposed to also be looking for
embedded people. Seems questionable as they just laid a bunch off, but
defense and aviation products are seeing new orders.
Yeah, I know, they all want solid embedded experience. It's something for
those of you that have that, though.
# Keine Ahnung, was ich dir sagen soll,
# keine Ahnung und keinen (.)plan. -- die Toten Hosen