ulimit problem

der.hans plug-discuss@lists.plug.mybutt.net
Sun, 20 Jan 2002 12:31:42 -0700 (MST)

Am 18. Jan, 2002 schwätzte Simper, Brian D so:

> I have a machine which is producing a 'ulimit' error.  I have a user named
> patrol that is supposed to be able to run a job.  Whenever I 'su - patrol' I
> get the error:
> 	ulimit: cannot raise limit: Operation not permitted
> The ulimit command seems pretty terse and I am not sure who or what might be
> trying to change the ulimit.  Has anyone seen an error lime this before?

Check .bash_profile, .bashrc and /etc/profile. It's probably the latter. I
think a dist recently intro'd a bug with that. It doesn't break anything
unless you need the larger ulimit.

Try "ulimit -a".


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