FTP Server
Derek Neighbors
Thu, 17 Jan 2002 14:41:54 -0600 (CST)
Having ignored most of this thread I will jump in here an spout up and
probably be way off base. :)
When I saw thread about 'FTP', the first thought that came to my mind was
WHY run FTP. As security of FTP is ouchie, but I thought, I will keep my
holy wars out of this and not respond.
After reading this post, I thought I would say....
"One should never 'flame' it does neither party good". On the other hand
I think that some of the 'old' timers should help people understand the
risks of their actions is a 'controlled' manner. Sometimes its a mindset
thing. Most people would say well I NEED ftp. I have found that seldomly
is it REALLY necessary, you just have to change your way of thinking.
So in a round about way, I agree with more than one party here I guess. :)
I think that we were all green behind the ears at one point, and
regardless of how many times one has been the round block or not been
around the block we all deserve respect. :) On that note, I think we owe
it to those that come after us to 'explain' rather than flame the reasons
we have the 'opinions' we do.
Just thoughts. :)