wu-ftpd - symlinks
Sun, 13 Jan 2002 14:01:01 -0700
I might be able to answer the original posters question...
Part of the problem lies in the fact that wu-ftpd won't allow access to
"outside filesystems" symlinked into its dir tree (var/ftp/..). you would
have to explicity tell it that it has permission in the ftpaccess config file
located in ./etc.
I am not sure of the exact syntax right off hand, but the man page on
ftpaccess is quite descriptive and may offer more of a solution that I can
On Sunday 13 January 2002 09:34, you wrote:
> >in response .. Yeah whatever Craig
> >
> >tell me -- thats why SuSE Slackware and any other Decent distro of Linux
> >stopped putting Wu-ftp on their distro's cuz of its exceptional security
> > ...
> >
> >hmmm let me think ??? heh The answer is NO to the question
> ---
> Actually Nancy, RedHat still distributes wu-ftpd so once again, you
> are gonna challenge RedHat as a 'Decent distro' which would absurdly
> ask someone to defend the quality of RedHat as a distro.
> More importantly though, someone asked a question - how do I use
> symbolic links in wu-ftpd and your reply was unresponsive, counter
> productive and lacked for the respect to the thread - choosing to air
> your own limited view of the daemon server, thereby effectively
> hijacking the thread for your own purpose which is unfair at best. If
> you have a gripe with wu-ftpd, start your own thread. If you have any
> insight to the original questioner's problem, by all means offer it
> or let it pass.
> Craig