Sequoia January Meeting
Wed, 2 Jan 2002 23:11:29 -0700 (MST)
Am 02. Jan, 2002 schwätzte Bob George so:
> Is system recovery of more interest, or the uses for the bootable CDs? I'm
> game for either one. The CDs themselves (LNX-BBC & LinuxCare Bootable CD
> Toolkit) are fascinating for their capabilities for recovery, network
> analysis, and just the ability to boot a full OS up in RAM and have it do X
> and other interesting things.
Do whichever you prefer. System recovery is great because it's an important
skill, but knowing how to use the BBCs is also very handy knowledge.
No need to try to keep east side and west side meetings in sync, so feel
free to give them a topic we'll miss.
> I can definitely do both. I'll try to keep the meeting dates clear, but
> there's a SLIGHT chance I'm going to get sucked out of town a few times
> throughout the month. Let's shoot for February for now, unless there's a
> conflict.
Feb is great and I think Jim already has you signed up for it :).
# ... make it clear I support "Free Software" and not "Open Source",
# and don't imply I agree that there is such a thing as a
# "Linux operating system". - rms