Need help making bootable CD-R
JD Austin IV
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 18:30:13 -0700 (MST)
I've burned bootable cd's from EZ CD Creator, you do it like this:
Put in the cdrom to burn, when it pops up with it's wizard
choose create data cd.
Instead of dragging the files to the lower left area to create a cd,
choose file -> Record CD from CD Image
Change 'files of type' from .cif to .iso.
Surf to where you have the iso file..
thats it :) .
Good luck,
> I thoroughly enjoyed Bob George's presentation last night. All
> enthused, I came home, downloaded the .iso files and attempted to burn
> bootable disks... attempted that is! They didn't boot.
> I tried Nero and Easy CD Creator 5, both to no avail on a Windows Me
> system.
> Can anyone point me to a 'cookbook' on what other files I need and how
> to make bootable disks... the easy way...or any way? There is a lot of
> related stuff on the Internet but it seems to be mostly Windows
> oriented...and a bit confusing.
> I thought I could get my feet wet this way and feel more comfortable
> about installing Mandrake in a few days.
> Steve, thanks for a good meeting.
> Ol Harv
Your reasoning is excellent -- it's only your basic assumptions that are
wrong. :)
Tart words make no friends; a spoonful of honey will catch more flies than
a gallon of vinegar.
-- B. Franklin