RH7.2 for Alpha??
Wed, 27 Feb 2002 00:20:18 -0700 (MST)
Am 26. Feb, 2002 schwätzte Carl Parrish so:
> Okay I think I'm going to make it a Debian box. (just because I could
> find the bloody iso). It looks like Compaq has a version of RedHat 7.2
> for Alpha but I couldn't find it on their website. Its going to take me
> about 3 hours to download the first disk. I should be thankful though a
> lot of the mirrors just skip the alpha disks.
With debian the first CD is all you need if you have a network connection
unless you need a boot image or something off another CD to install a
minimal setup. After that apt-get your way through life.
apt-get install task-wall-o-monitors solar-panels task-battery-room oc192
Ah, if debian just provided more of the necessities of life ;-).
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