Broadband provider

Digital Wokan
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 15:34:21 -0700

I wouldn't hold my breath.  I think businesses will continue to do
really stupid things for as long as CEO's get stupidly large bonuses
when they get kicked out for their overly stupid decisions.  Companies
shouldn't have to pay management to go the hell away and not darken
their door.  Let them collect the $205/week unemployment like the rest
of us.  (Adjust for whatever state the idiot lives in.)

John Kloian wrote:
> I firmly believe in deregulation, but the boom in the CLEC market and
> their practices seem to have been a death sentence.  Its really funny,
> take a voice T-1 for example.  Qwest is forced by the federal tariffs and
> the Arizona Corporation commission to sell it at a certain price, however
> MCI and AT&T or any other CLEC can sell it for upto 35% less than the
> ILEC and they do all the time.  Now granted the CLEC losses money on every
> deal, but they figured they get vertical sales from the customer.  this
> has been going on for some time.  Plus the CLEC's by billions of dollar of
> service from each other.  this looks good on the books, but the minute one
> decalres bankruptcy everyone suffers as a result.  this is what we are
> seeing happen right now.  When Global Crossing declared bankruptcy they
> force XO to right off 7.35 billion on their books, obviously that hurt and
> is one of the reasons XO is about to file chapter 11.
> In the end this shakedown will probably be a good thing, but we'll more
> than likely be stuck with one ILEC until some new players pop up.
> Hopefully the business practices will change slightly.