ditches the OS in new PCs

Digital Wokan
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 10:37:27 -0700

Some of the important details have been overlooked by the other

1. The systems are only sold naked online.
2. WalMart may carry Mandrake in their stores, but online, they only
offer Windows XP Home and Pro.  (Several of us should write to them
about that oversight.  I think I'd better use my real name for that
message though.)
3. Microtel ( is a Microsoft Certified Partner, so even
though WalMart may be testing the waters with naked PCs, Microtel is
probably still paying the MS tax.  (A quick note to
might get some answers to that burning question.  For that one, I think
I'll stick to my nom de plume [sp?].)  If they are, we're still feeding
the beast buying systems from there.  (I know, many geeks want to run
over to Fry's and piece it together, but some just want a system
pre-built and ready to have an OS thrown on it.  For $400-$600, why
not?  It's got a warranty.)
4. Microtel, being an MCP, may have used win-specific hardware to
discourage the use of other OS's on the systems.  This would provide
much ammo to the beast for proving these systems will be bought by
Windows bootleggers.  (BTW, who started using the infamatory term
piracy?  I'll bet it was the BSA putting a ugly-faced marketing spin on
plain old bootlegging.)

Carl Parrish wrote:
> Not *quite* as good as them offering a pc with Linux already installed.
> But a  step in the right direction I think. Does anyone know if Walmart
> sells Linux CDs?