Job opportunities?
Digital Wokan
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 19:31:11 -0700
I was exagerating, George.
George Toft wrote:
> Digital Wokan wrote:
> >
> > Considering some of the job postings I've seen, flipping burgers might
> > make you rich faster around the valley.
> >
> Hmmm . . .
> $12-14/hr for a Sun Customer Serice Engineer troubleshooting
> Solaris problems (I posted that one on, or $17/hr
> delivering Pizza for Dominoes (what my neighbor did after
> being laid off).
> Speaking of the economy, does anyone know the difference between
> a recession and a depression? A recession is when your neighbor
> gets laid off. A depression is when *you* get laid off.
> Cheers,
> George