Linux bloating.
Brian Cluff
Wed, 13 Feb 2002 12:17:14 -0700
Sound more like your installs are bloated to me. When you install your
system, only pick the stuff you will actually be using and you will have an
install that is only a couple to a few hundred megs.
I've built servers with mandrake that were under 100 megs, and with mandrake
8.2 you can have an install that is much smaller than before.
Ditch all those LDAP server and news server and video games that require 3D
since you don't have the horse power to play them anyway... etc...etc..
Brian Cluff
----- Original Message -----
> Noticed the last couple of installs, that at least
> Mandrake and RH 7.2 are getting bloated. I had
> trouble fitting them to 2 gig drives.
> Does anyone know where a person could pick up around
> two or three 6 to 8 gig IDE hard drives cheap?
> I have an old p166 that won't recognize anything over
> around 8 gig.
> Off list would be fine.
> Joe
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