was Re: Mensan seeks work
Trent Shipley
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 23:28:14 -0700
Medical boards are developed by the AMA, American College of Physicians, and
State Medical Boards,
Certs for Attorney's are prepared by state Bar Associations.
Certs for auto mechanics are granted by the American Society of Automotive
Even vetrenarians certify themselves.
Why are certs for IT trades and professions effectively granted by Cisco,
Microsoft, and Oracle instead of the IEEE, Computer Professionals for Social
Responsibility, and SIGMOD?
One is tempted to conclude that the information automation occupations have
yet to reach a level of "class" consciousness that would permit trade and
professional identities to "gel" and produce awareness of an occupation as a
group with particular interests.
On Sunday 10 February 2002 22:56, you wrote:
> I would debate that a certification proves someone is_not_out and out
> incompetent at any age. I've found often it's easy for the average idiot
> with a decent memory to pass most basic tests.