Linux Computer Store!
Carl Parrish
10 Feb 2002 21:41:15 -0700
First I wouldn't use that name. But I like the idea of having gamming
boxes up. 1) it would let people see what kind of kewl games you can
play on a Linux box. 2). It would be a good source of income. Set up
Quake / Myth II / Free Civ Tournaments. Let long time users save their
profiles and / or bring in some from home. Focus on being a kewl place
for geeks to hang out. Have lots of geek gear (ie t-shirts, hats,
mugs)on sale. I would love to have a place like that to hang out. If you
also *sold* linux games and software that would be kewl (but I'd bet
you'd make more money off of all the coffee / gaming I'd do). Hardware
I'm not sure how much you would make off of that. (I'd be willing to
shell out a few extra bucks for something that was certified to work
with Linux. But I don't need to buy hardware all that often.). My gut
says you'd do better to have it on the east side of town (maybe near
campus) but the fact that I live in mesa may have something to do with
that. Set up a internet cafe running only Linux boxes. So that the AOL
crowd could find out how easy it is to run Linux. Let PLUG (and other
LUGs) host meetings there that way you'd have a constant stream of new
people checking it out.
Carl P.