Linux Computer Store!
Bob George
Sun, 10 Feb 2002 13:05:38 -0700
"RJ Scarbeary" <> wrote:
> I am interested in talking with Linux users in the Phoenix area about my
> idea of opening a dedicated Linux Computer store: generation X
> computing! I have very little on my website but I do have a forum set up
> to discuss the new store.
My first thoughts are regarding the name. There's alreay a Gen-X Tech
Computing ( and I first thought you were
associated with them in some way. Also, that name alone may both work for
you and against you. It does sort of put a frame around your customer base,
and you might not want to limit that base if you're just starting out. Linux
isn't just a "gen-x" thing. Often us "old folk" have a few bucks more
disposable income to spend in our wallets too.
> I would like to hear from as many people using or thinking of using
> Linux in the Phoenix area as possible. I like input, suggestions,
> criticism, ideas, ideas on a location and what to offer.
Unless you somehow add CONSIDERABLE value, I'm not going to pay much more
for hardware from a "Linux store" than anywhere else. I love Linux, but if
the exact same hardware is cheaper elsewhere, I'm inclined to go there. I
might donate the difference to a cause that's more directly involved with
the development of open source though. So your challenge is that
differentiation. Perhaps that could be support, particularly helping newbies
get started. You might work with PLUG on holding installfests and the like,
or online support. Some sort of "we'll make it work on your hardware"
for-fee installation.
The sale of CDs of popular distribution and packages is a good idea. I might
drive someplace across town (it's a BIG town) to snag a couple of CDs rather
than spending the evening downloading and burning them myself. Of course,
then you're competing with the $2 CD places like CheapBytes, but there is
the impulse buy factor. Have some specials to attract me when I walk in and
I might end up spending way more than I planned. Pre-rolled small
business/workgroup servers might hold some appeal.
> I would like to hire a few people to help build Linux PCs and manage the
> store and maybe even a small internet cafe in the store.
I personally don't drink and surf. :) Gaming would likely be a BIG
attraction. Not sure how well LINUX gaming would draw though.
I think you've got a good idea, but it's a very competitive market, and
margins are slim. I'd give some SERIOUS thought to how you're going to
differentiate yourself from every other computer hardware store out there.
Good luck with it.
- Bob