Stan Harder
09 Feb 2002 21:47:20 -0700

All you can do is try it. 

On Sat, 2002-02-09 at 12:56, Tom Achtenberg wrote:
> My parents have 2 computers behind a hub on Cox and have had no trouble
> at all with them both being on line since the change over.  Of course
> they are both Windows machines.  I wonder if using something like a
> gateway box between the hub and the modem would help.  
> This just made me wonder too, one of the people I work with just changed
> with Qwest to MSN and now her VPN to the office does not work.  Qwest
> says it is something to do with NAT and MSN.  Since they would like to
> have two PC's on line at once I bet the same gateway thing might help
> them too. Something like the e-smith gateway server like I am using now
> and can VPN to the office with no problem.  Any one else have any
> thoughts in this area?  Stan I know you're lurking out there what do you
> think?
> On Sat, 2002-02-09 at 11:36, Matt Alexander wrote:
>     Hmmm...  that might explain why I couldn't get a DHCP connection until I
>     removed my second NIC from my laptop (I'm using a USB Ethernet adapter
>     now).  Ah well, after I had used the DHCP connection to figure out which
>     subnet I was on, I've just been statically assigning my IP address at boot
>     time.  Heh, heh.  My Easystreet DSL should be setup soon anyway and then I
>     can dump Cox all together.
>     ~M
> -- 
> Tom Achtenberg
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Stan Harder