Sat, 9 Feb 2002 01:25:26 -0700 (MST)
Am 07. Feb, 2002 schwätzte Jeffrey Pyne so:
> What's cool about this is that it seems to be "in" to read books these days.
Yes, that is a most cool thing. Unfortunately I've got nieces and nephews
who are glad the movies came out, so they can finally learn the stories :(.
I've got others that love books, though. It's fun reading to them or giving
them books to check out. Most of them have also memorized everything from
Barney or Jim Carrey or whatever fits their age group.
> I'm glad a lot of kids seem to be putting down their video game joysticks
> long enough to pick up a book. (Gawd, I'm starting to sound like somebody's
> parent....) I don't care if it's Harry Potter, J.R.R. Tolkien or whatever,
> the fact that kids are reading is A Good Thing. My wife tells me all the
> time that I don't read anymore, which is untrue-- I read all the time. But
> she doesn't consider reading "A Programmer's Introduction to PHP 4.0" to be
> "real reading." :)
php's easy enough that I don't either ;-). Save your email for a couple of
weeks, then do a wordcount on it and you'll probably amaze her. I bet most
of us also do a ton of reading at tech and news sites. Then there's
documentation and finally dead tree stuff like what you mention. Most of us
probably use irc as well.
Then, after all that, we can get to leisure reading :).
# It's up to the reader to make the book interesting.
# An author has only the opportunity to make it uninteresting. - der.hans