Fwd: antagonistic behavior

Bob George plug-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 00:20:39 -0700

"Craig White" <craigwhite@azapple.com> wrote:

> [...] So in the end, while it may have been personal but I am quite
> that I didn't fire the first salvo. [...]

Yes, well all well and good, but do you prefer shortswords, or 5.25 inch

(Best done in a John Cleese voice)

This is nothing guys. I'm on another list where a DOS die-hard is trying to
take shots at Linux. "No non-gui, non-network apps under development" is the
latest bomb to detonate in our midst. It's now degenerating into "chess
versus checkers."

Ah, freshmeat tastes pretty good cooked up in a flamefest. :)

- Bob
 (The Meaning of Linux)