antagonistic behavior
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 13:05:46 -0700
just a thought from an "uninvolved party":
it sounds to me like you have issues with another. please try not to let that
spill over here as it can rub a lot of other folks the wrong way without your
meaning to.
its been my experience that if one has "legal issues" with another on the
mailing list that such business should be kept private for the good of the
entire list. It cuts down on "unneccessary friction" among the members.
meanwhile, back at the ranch (I realy need to breal down and get a few extra
skills, a lot of my "home taught skills" aren't going to make it in the real
world workplace).
On Monday 04 February 2002 10:45, you wrote:
> Craig do not let it bother you I have Nigel going to court for cheating
> me out of a fair amount of money right now. He always say he knows what
> he is doing but it took me 1600.00 to find out he could not build a
> simple database. I hired Lucas Vogel to do it and he finished it for
> 1500. While Nigel did nothing but cost me 200.00 to fix my server back
> up. He did not even get a simple php yellow page ads script done and all
> you had to do was down load off internet I called owner up he said it
> was a half an hour job at best every body should take caution about his
> advice and comments which I find quite inappropriate & antagonistic.
> On a better note, I really like the way the group helps all of us newbie
> out many thanks
> Rod K Ryan GRI,CRS,AB
> Certified Residential Specalist
> Realty Executive
> 623-204-9537 Direct
> 1-800-316-0188 Toll Free
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