Killing X server using ctrl-alt-bksp screws up eth0???
Craig White
Sat, 2 Feb 2002 23:56:37 -0700
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Craig White" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 8:56 PM
>Subject: Re: Killing X server using ctrl-alt-bksp screws up eth0???
>> Try switching to a modular alternative like DE4X5 or RTL8139 or NE2KPCI
>> if they aren't compiled in.
>I hate to point out the obvious but the DEC chipset wont run with any of the
>above drivers even if they are modules ...
>tulip.o is the only one .... if its a Netgear 310TX works like a charm if
>its a 311FX ( new type )
>youl need to compile the given tulip driver on the Netgear Floppy supplied
>with the nic ..
>I would not change the Nic and waist $$$'s over something as trivial as
1 - I don't recall her saying that it was a Netgear card at all
2 - I have definitely used the DE4x5 (so did someone else on this
list based upon my suggestion) on tulip chipsets - and many of the
cards also emulate the NE2000 and if the emulation is in the card, it
will work.
I wish that you had simply stated that you didn't think my suggestion
would work instead of making the insinuation that I was incapable of
seeing the obvious. I don't like your remarks, I didn't like the tone
and I think you are lacking tact and class. Yes, there are many times
that I have been wrong and I am likely to be wrong about a great many
things in the future but that should never be cause for you to be so