Redhat subscription. was: Re: No more bendin over to uncle Bill for me!

Tue, 24 Dec 2002 02:47:51 -0700

"Richard L. Proctor" wrote:
> Well Redhat is also subscription base,  you get one free machine,  and
> anything after that your suppose to pay a yearly fee for.

If you want max convenience you have to pay.  I've got 7 boxes that I
keep updated for free with up2date.  I just have to login to RHN and
shuffle the "basic entitlement" between boxes.  If they had a home user
rate I'd buy it, I just don't have the resources to drop hundreds per
year on OS updates.


A generally happy RH 6.2, 7.1, 7.3 and 8.0 user.  I don't care for "Blue
Curve", but that's fixed with a dozen or so mouse clicks.