Carl -- LindowsOS

Sun, 22 Dec 2002 11:08:43 -0700 (MST)

Am 21. Dec, 2002 schw=E4tzte Nathan England so:

> I'm seriously considering getting a microtel from wal-mart for my little
> brother, if anything just to support the effort, but I have a question.
> If I don't go with the 99 bucks a year plan, how hard is it to install no=
> software on those things?
> I mean like, source stuff, compile, make, and make install. Does it give =
> all the development stuff you need? or would I be better rolling my own
> distro on it?

debian installs and runs just fine on the $200 microtel boxen. I hooked up
and ex-roommie and she's only had one problem with it. The problem was that
the mouse click events were taking place a couple of centimeters from the
pointer. This made playing mahjongg somewhat annoying :).

My theory is that amor caused the problem. Unfortunately quitting it and
even restarting X didn't fix the problem. The problem was present under KDE
and GNOME.

Doing the m$ shuffle fixed it.

I told her not to run amor again.

Lindows has only the root user and for that reason alone is not appropriate=


#  ... make it clear I support "Free Software" and not "Open Source",
#  and don't imply I agree that there is such a thing as a
#  "Linux operating system". - rms