Dot.Bombs AZ Style

Daniel Wolstenholme
Fri, 20 Dec 2002 00:35:09 -0800 (PST)

I have to take exception to DevelopOnline having been a
significant GNU/Linux user.  I interviewed for a position with
them early this year (and luckily rejected it after discussing
their financials with a friend who knew a lot about bad dot-com
companies), and they basically were a Microsoft shop with a tiny
bit of Linux.  Even on their website was a huge banner
proclaiming their dedication to .NET.  The only Linux work they
did was on a few embedded systems where the customers demanded
it, but everything else was all MS.


--- Derek Neighbors wrote:
> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2002 08:54:16 -0700 (MST)
> Subject: Dot.Bombs AZ Style
> From: "Derek Neighbors" <>
> For those that may not read the AZ Republic.  I found it
> interesting to
> see on the _front_ page this blurb:
> Todays Top Five
> (
> )
> Dot.bombs
> (
> )
> Two high-profile Arizona companies founded when fervor for new
> Internet
> technologies was high have dot.bombed: DevelopOnline and
> Opnix. Business,
> D1.
> I only post this as I know both companies used GNU/Linux to
> varying
> extents and both companies had people involved in PLUG to some
> degree. 
> Hopefully, the tech economy in this state will improve in the
> next 18
> months so we can see success and not failure stories on the
> front page. :)
> -Derek

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