Linux on alternative hardware

Kyle Faber
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 14:53:08 -0700

> she has an account on my laptop- but she cant use it while i'm logged
> in.. <notorious for DLing stuff while i'm out> the laptop is a tibook
> is running jaguar.
> she likes windows.
> needless to say- i refuse to run MicroShaft stuff on any of my
> hardware. and refuse to support it on somone elses.
> as far as the p100 laptop- whats it cost..? the linux kit for the PS2
> is 200.00
I have purchased two comparable laptops at the Tech Swap meet in Scottsda=

Each of them was approx. $100 cash and carry.  Each had a crapped out bat=
but also had AC power supply.  I have a DC->120v Ac converter that suppli=
me an electrical jack in my car.  Allows me to flip them on and know what=
am getting into before I leave the parking lot.  Has helped me a couple t=
to not buy a paperweight.  Also, doing some research on the "crappy old=20
laptop linux howtos" on the 'net can let you know about models to grab an=
models to let slide.  In the end, the swap meet is a way for me to feed m=
gadget hobby at slighter cheaper than market rates.  And with Linux, I ca=
scale all my installations to exactly what I have available and get some=20
great use out of what Mr. Gates would call outdated and obsolete hardware=

Kyle Faber
EMR Internet