link/symbolic link~ What is the differance?
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 13:03:11 -0700

=46rom my understanding (or lack of),

Hard Links (symbolic) point to the particular innode on the disk where th=
data is stored.

Soft Links will just link to the file that points to the innode.

Copying will just make two instances of the file on the disk.

On Wednesday 18 December 2002 11:36 am, Mike Starke wrote:
> /_> From what I've interpreted from a combination of the info/man pages=
ln, it
> /_> seems that without  the -s it is just another command for copy.
> /_>
> /_> Is this correct?
> /_
> /_With a hard link, you have pointers to the same data saved at some
> /_particular location on the disk.  So it's technically not a copy.
> /_~M
> /_
> I must admit, I too, never fully understood the differance between
> soft & hard links.
> -Mike
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