bizarre Mozilla/Konqueror behavior

Lynn David Newton
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 13:03:02 -0700

I just posted this message also to AZIPA, so if you've
seen it there, just move on to the next message.

I'm hoping someone out there might be willing to help
me dig into a problem I'm having with a site that
belongs to a client of the company I work for.

To do this you need to use either Mozilla or Konqueror
as your browser.


o Visit this URL using Mozilla or Konqueror

o Note that several fields on the form that comes up,
  including the first, have little images of blue
  circles with question marks in them. These should
  bring up help text.

o Click on any one of these. This will bring up a popup
  window that is supposed to display some help text.


In case you don't see it, what we are getting is a
window that presents raw HTML code rather than
rendering it.

This works fine with Internet Explorer and in Opera.

Note this is not a Linux-specific problem. Mozilla on
Windows has the same problem.

Has anyone seen such a problem or have a clue why it
might be happening?

Any help much appreciated.

Lynn David Newton
Phoenix, AZ