Open Source/Free Software in Maricopa Government -another view.

Michael Havens
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 10:23:55 -0700

When you make the presentation to the state please let me tag along.

On Wednesday 18 December 2002 09:53 am, Jim wrote:
> I was reminded yesterday that the county IT people are just doing what =
> are told from above - i.e. the state IT people (yes, the same ones that
> approved a $100M contract with Qwest that needed and additional $80M to
> complete as promised).
> Perhaps the logical approach is to inform the state IT honchos that the=
> can save a lot of money by at least opening their eyes to things like O=
> Office, Linux, etc.  Certainly they should at least  be willing to list=
> to an intelligent, articulate presentation of alternatives to MS softwa=
> in light of the huge budget deficits that the state is facing