breaking a mount point and setting up a new one

Scott H
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 13:56:58 -0800 (PST)

I have a RH 7.3 box with a portion of the
partition table resembling this:

/dev/ida/c0d0p2 mounted at /
/dev/ida/c0d0p6 mounted at /var/spool

I want to reclaim the /var/spool partition for
other uses.  So I copy the contents of it to
/var/spool2 and edit /etc/fstab to remove the
mount of  /var/spool at boot time.  Now how do I
get spool2 renamed to spool so when it reboots
spool will be on  partition c0c0p2, under / , and
c0d0p6 will be unused, so I can work with it?  (I
can't umount /var/spool, the device is always "in
use".  At least I can't find what is holding on
to it.  I shut down mail programs and anacron and
I'm not in the directory...  

Thanks for any help!



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