file limits?

David A. Sinck
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:56:31 -0700

\_ SMTP quoth technomage on 12/2/2002 12:43 as having spake thusly:
\_ > ext2
\_ 2 gb max file size, unknown of number of dir entries or max disk size.

news spool partitions are typically inoded in such a way to cope with
more small files.  I don't know if there's a fs limit in ext2, but
after a few thousand files, it's practically unmanageable by humans.

\_ > ext3
\_ still finding out

Given that ext3 is ext2 on steroids, my guess is for the purpose of
this discussion ext3 == ext2

\_ > reiserfs

afaik reiser isn't bound at 2G file size limit.


Also, when I was at the first perl conference Tom C was mentioning he
went from a 60k record flat file to a sql implementation because he
was having poor performance.  Going sql...degraded performance.  He
converted back to flat file and bought a bigger!  He
had the performance he wanted.  :-)  He refered to it as the "Intel
