SCC presentation tomorrrow

D Uhlman
Sun, 01 Dec 2002 18:22:50 -0700

I have been in touch with Ted and all is ready for tommorow night, I 
will be giving the presentation (15 min), followed by 15min of knoppix 
demo, followed by 30min demo and Q&A. I wan't to make sure we will have 
aprojector though, is there anyway to find that out?

David Uhlman
CTO 50KM Inc.

der.hans wrote:
> Am 01. Dec, 2002 schwätzte Michael Havens so:
>>It isn't at SCC. It is at Adtron.
> Devel meeting is at Adron. We're scheduled to present PLUG and Free Software
> to an SCC class tomorrow night.
> ciao,
> der.hans