Problems in getting to discuss archives

Brian Cluff
28 Aug 2002 12:58:55 -0700

I screwed up a CNAME and caused mybutt to not point anywhere.  The
mybutt address is not the athoritative address, it's purely for humor
reasons.  The address should be the one that
always works.
Either way, I got mybutt working again.  So you can ride mybutt to the
archives once again :)

Brian Cluff

On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 09:30, Sundar wrote:
> Hello,
> I was trying to search the discuss archives, but the link for the 
> discuss archives seem to go nowhere. Though the server name is 
> funny("mybutt"), it used to work without a problem. But not anymore, 
> couple of weeks back I had a problem even accessing the PLUG home page. 
> And when I search through Google, it used to pull the answers; not 
> anymore. Is there a problem?
> Cheers!
> Sundar
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