Debian and X update
bob smith
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 06:43:51 -0700 (PDT)
--- Michelle Lowman <> wrote:
> OK, I finally had time to sit down and fix this, and
> now I am
> experiencing "Debian goodness." :) X wasn't
> completely installed (dunno
> why, but I'm sure I screwed something up during
> installation), so I
> installed X, ran xf86config, and everything worked.
> If anyone at IF2
> wants to put woody on a Dell Inspiron 7500 (I did a
> net install, BTW),
> send 'em my way.
I am also using a Dell Inspiron 7500 (with Debian too
:)). I was curious if you have the DVD drive in yours
and you have been able to get full screen DVD
playback? I have the Mobility Radeon M7 in mine.
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