ob linux ?
David A. Sinck
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 16:50:15 -0700
\_ SMTP quoth Victor Odhner on 8/22/2002 16:27 as having spake thusly:
\_ "J.Francois" wrote:
\_ > I use DeleGate to proxy a backend webserver ...
\_ I didn't know what OBLINUX was, so I looked it up on Google.
\_ Answer: It is something that often appears before a colon
\_ in online conversations. It seems to introduce statements
\_ having something to do with Linux. The "ob" part might
\_ be German, and the Fish suggests that this means "whether".
\_ Bottom line: I'm still totally curious.
\_ Interpretation?
obligatory...an attempt to make the mail relevant to the group in
question. :-)