Replacement for Microsoft Project?

Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:38:42 -0700 (MST)

Am 21. Aug, 2002 schwätzte Matt Alexander so:

> Does anyone know of a product like "Microsoft Project" that is free and
> runs on Windows and Linux?  I haven't used MS Project, so I'm not familiar
> with how it works, but I've been asked to find an alternative.

I don't know if Mr. Project runs on m$, but phpgroupware has a project
module and it's all a web interface, so it runs whereever you want :).

Ideally we need a project planner that runs as a GUI for day to day use, but
also has a web interface for clients who don't have the app installed.


#  "The reasons for my decision to quit were myriad, but central to the
#  decision ws the realization that there are two kinds of companies:
#  Good ones ask you to thnk for them.
#  The others tell you to think like them." -- Benjy Feen